6th grade parents, please click the link included to see end of the year schedule and activities!

Please see the attached link to see available summer camps for our middle school students through the COP ESD!

Please see the attached flyer for our Annual Student Art Show! We'd love to see you all there!

Who remembers these bubble sheets? Spring testing is upon us! Please click the link for our message to families regarding the upcoming testing season!

Parent Teacher Conferences for 6th and 7th Grade will be held April 10th. Teachers will contact parents and guardians of students they feel need conferences at this time. If you do not receive communication for one, but would still like a meeting, please contact our offices at 231-627-7103 to schedule an appointment.

Take a look at the Middle School Newspaper, the Cheboygan Chronicle, 4th Edition. We have a great group of students involved to help put this together! They were even able to interview Johnathan Rand, our well known local author! Please take a look.

After stopping in to read to Mrs. Hall's class, and celebrate March is National Reading Month, Mr. Tamlyn stopped by Mrs. Coleman's classroom.

After stopping in to read to Mrs. Hall's class, and to celebrate March is National Reading Month, Mr. Tamlyn stopped in to see Mrs. Coleman's class.

The Book Fair is open beginning this Monday. It is open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and the following Monday and Tuesday.
Please be aware that there is tax added to every product.
The Ewallet is a great option for students. Click here or copy and paste this address to access the fair's web page for more details.

Please click the link below to see the calendar for our One School One book reading program.

Middle School Parents and Guardians,
Please click on the link below to review the Parent/Guardian Letter for our new "One School One Book" all school reading program.

Congratulations to Samuel K. our 7th grade Student of the Month!

Students have had the opportunity to submit three different mini-sagas (100 word themed stories) and one poem to an online contest through youngwritersusa.com.
Congratulations to the following students won the Missing Mini-Saga Contest:
London S., Genavieve D., Zaidan B., Sophia S., Skyler G., Braddock F., Kolton W., Macy C., Aleigha H., Elijah E., Jayde T.

A beautiful sunrise was captured over the bus garage on the campus of Cheboygan Area Schools this morning.

Please see the attached flyer for homecoming spirit week for the Middle School!

Students had a great time on friday night at Nubs Nob for Ski Club! Thank you to Mrs. Douglas for putting this opportunity together for students!

The students and staff at Cheboygan Intermediate School would like to say thank you to Mr. David Bishop and his staff at Bishop GMC for their generous donation to help with our Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative. It is greatly appreciated.

We celebrated students today during our 6th and 7th grade PBIS(Class) assemblies! Take a look through the attached photos to see Honor Roll Students, BUG (Brought Up Grades) Students, Students of the Month and Students with a 4.0!

Please see the attached flyer for our Love and Logic Training!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Wacky Friday for CMS students and dress in your blue, white, gray and silver/black for CIS students! We hope you all enjoy your day and GO LIONS!