Students from the high school Intro to Teaching class came to CIS to read to our 3rd graders. Thank you Mrs Safford for making your students available.

Congratulations to our U12 Peewee hockey team for winning the Championship this weekend in the Shamrock Tournament in Port Huron!

3rd grade students enjoyed a wonderful presentation from Keith Knecht on Native American history and culture. Thank you Mr Knecht for taking the time to speak to our students!!

Please see the attached flier for Middle School Track that starts March 18th!

If your child is interested in playing rec soccer this year, go to the website included for more registration details. The registration deadline is 03-31-2025 and the season starts May 19th, 2025. This is for students aged 5-15.

See the attached flyer for the upcoming book fair at CIS and CMS!!

6th and 7th grade students had a blast last night at their Dance!

6th and 7th grade students had their March into Reading kickoff assembly and had an opportunity to go watch the high school pep assembly!

5th Graders finished their bridge projects in STEAM class today.

CIS Parents, March is Reading Month. Please see the attached calendar.

6th and 7th grade students participated in part two of their survival series activity days. Students used marshmallows to learn how heat transfers, did a survival cooperative learning activity, watched a survived- themed movie and learned how to build fires with Little Traverse Nature Conservancy.

See the attached flyer for our Middle School Dance tonight!

Please click the link included for details on a Community Meeting we are having next Wednesday to address building changes at the Intermediate School next year with the emphasis being on brining 2nd grade here. Please Join us!

Every time CIS/CMS ski club goes to Nubs, they all sign a card thanking their bus driver and give them a care package!

3rd graders enjoyed the warmer weather to practice their cross country skiing today. A big thank you to Mr John Gravlin and his team for working with our students on this important outdoor activity unit.

Please see our flyer for Coming Home Spirit Week for CMS this week!

Julie Haase, a consultant with the COP-ESD, taught an Introduction to Braille lesson with Mrs. Grisdale's fifth graders. The students were actively engaged during the lesson and had a great time!

CIS 4th and 5th graders had a great time at the Ice Rink today cheering on their classmates in a game against Gladwin.
The team came over after the game to thank the student body for the support in their 5-1 victory. What a great moment!!!
It was a great day to be a Chief.

Michigan State University has started an eight week program with Mr.Mahoney’s 5th grade Wellness class, and 6th grade Health class. Focus is on SEL and prevention of substances.

Due to no school today, the MS Spirit Club will push back candygrams by one day. We will be selling during lunch tomorrow for delivery on Monday!