Sunday Soup

Good Sunday Evening,

Summer School Updates:

Summer School is Here!  Are you bored…looking for something to do this summer or to stay active?  If this sounds like you, summer school may be what you are looking for and if you still have any questions, please call the main office of the building that your child attends and/or you can contact the Summer School Director, Jamie McClintic at

FYI - We are also looking to add fieldtrips to some of our summer school opportunities.  Some of the field trip destinations this summer include, but are not limited to:

  • Creation Station

  • Colonial Michilimackinac

  • Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse

  • Castle Rock

  • Boat Tour

  • Alpena Museum

  • Fossil Park

  • Big Bear Adventures

The weekly Middles School Camps are full!  However, the HS Camps still have a few openings so we are now considering MS students for some of the remaining open seats for our HS camps.  The HS Camps that still have openings are Watercolors, Drama, and Creative Writing.

Credit Recovery will be available for HS students who need to make up some credits towards HS graduation.  Please check with your HS counselor, if you have questions about Credit Recovery offerings this summer.  

Free Breakfast and Lunch this Summer!

The free breakfast/lunch program is starting this week.  The free breakfast/lunch program is for any person 18 and younger.  It does NOT have to be a Cheboygan student to receive a free meal and you do not have to be enrolled in summer school to take advantage of the summer food program.  

  • Breakfast will run from 8:00am to 9:00am

  • Lunch will run from 11:00am to 12:30pm

  • Food will be


    at the Middle School and East Elementary

  • Food will be available this Month, June 10-27, (July and August Schedules will be released soon.)

If you have any questions or concerns about the summer food program, please email our Food Service Director, John Galacz, at

Gym Floors to be Re-finished this Summer

The MS and HS gyms will be off limits during our annual summer re-finishing process which takes about one week.  No one can be on the floors during this process, no practice or walking on the floors from July 30th to August 3rd as the new finish cures.  It takes at least a day or two to sand the old finish off the floors and then a day or two to put a new application of sealant/finish on the floors and then a day or two for the sealant to cure and dry.  Once completed, it will look brand new again and ready for the school year!

Please Vote on August 6th!

As you know, the school district has issued a Referendum Resolution for August 6th, 2024, Election.  The referendum comprises of three priorities:

  1. Addressing facility needs at East Elementary.

  2. Upgrading aged infrastructure within the entire district.

  3. Implementing important projects that prioritize safety, accessibility, and enhance the environment of students, staff, and visitors at our schools.

This proposal is a zero-mill tax increase so your tax bill will NOT increase, it will remain the same, however the passing of this referendum will allow the school district to renew our current depleting bond fund which will allow us to continue to maintain and create the best educational environments possible for our students, your children. 

The school district will be posting updated referendum information at this site to keep you as well informed as we can:

Also, we have just released a new information YouTube video for your review:

We will also be presenting this information at the board meeting on the June 24th and again at the Rotary luncheon meeting on July 10th.

Summer Work Plans for 2024

Work on replacing our HS bleachers has begun!  We are being told the process can be completed within 3-4 weeks if they do not run into any difficulties in the process.  So, hopefully, the gym will be available for use sooner than we thought.  We will monitor the renovation process weekly and keep you updated.

Also, it is my understanding that the bleacher renovation process should not keep folks from using the Fitness Center so as of today, it appears the FC will be open and available in the summer

Also, the approved HS Science Labs and the renovation of the PE/Athletic Lockers Rooms work has begun as well and should be completed before the start of next school year.     

Fitness Center Classes for 2024:

If you are interested in taking a Fitness Center class during the day next school year, and you have not signed up yet, please check with your HS guidance counselor this week.  We are looking to open up the new Fitness Center open throughout the school day.  Our goal is to make this new space available and accessible to more people and at more times.  If interested, please talk with your counselor directly.    

Week @ Glance:

Monday – June 10th       

  • 12:00 – SPED Meeting

Tuesday – 11th     

  • 9:00 – BP Meeting in the BR

  • 10:00 – PowerSchool Meeting

Wednesday – 12th            

  • 11:00 – District Secretary Interview

  • 12:00 – Cheboygan Rotary

Thursday – 13th  

  • 6:00 – Athletic Committee Meeting in the BR

    • Review Minutes/Old Business

    • Review Summer Camps

    • Needs for the Fall/AD Report

Friday – 14th

  • Byrd – Vacation Day - Off

Thank you for your time and support, it is greatly appreciated.

Spencer S. Byrd

  • BA – Education – (OC) – 1991

  • MA – Education Administration - (NEIU) - 2005

  • EdS – Education Specialist Degree - (WIU) - 2014

  • CSBO – Chief School Business Official Endorsement - (U of I) - 2021

  • CAA – Certified Athletic Administrator Endorsement – (NIAAA) – May, 2024

Quote for the Week: “Summertime is always the Best of what Might be.” - By Charles Bowden   

Important Future Dates:

  • June 18th – Finance Committee Meeting @ 10am

  • June 18th – Curriculum Committee Meeting @ 3:45pm

  • June 19th – Leadership Cheboygan

  • June 24th – BOE Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • June 25th – Building Principals/Admin

    last Day

    for 23-24 School Year

  • June 25th/26th – School Safety Academy

  • July 11th – Athletic Committee Meeting @

  • July 16th – Finance Committee Meeting @ 10am

  • July 16th – Curriculum Committee Meeting @ 3:45

  • June 19th – Economic Development Day – Leadership Cheboygan

  • July 22nd – BOE Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • August 5th – Building Administrators Return to School

  • August 6th


    – Vote!

  • August 12th – Official Start for ALL

    HS Fall Sports

    Programs - MHSAA

  • August 26th – BOE Meeting @ 6:30pm

  • September 3rd – Start of the 24-25 School Year for Students (



    • Our Calendar Committee is currenting reviewing the 24-25 Calendar.

    • The proposed Calendar must be approved by the BOE this Summer.